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MHMMC Portland CASAS Testing (click blue link)

This CNA Apprentice Training is a program of MaineHealth Maine Medical Center Portland. Please read the information below carefully. If you have questions or want to know more about the MHMMC Portland program, please contact us at
These CASAS test dates are for the MHMMC Portland CNA APPRENTICE CLASS that begins May 12, 2025. The application deadline for this class is March 31. If you register for a CASAS date, please make every effort to attend!
To apply, you must:
--Pass the CASAS reading assessment with a score of 240 or higher. You must bring a photo ID to the reading test and go to the main office at Portland Adult Education when you arrive. Passing this test is not a guarantee that you will be placed in the class.
Note: If you hold a bachelors or associates degree from an accredited US institution of higher learning, the CASAS assessment may be waived (send copy of diploma or transcript to
If you have recently taken the CASAS, you must wait 6 months before taking it again.
--Submit the CNA Program Application
--Attend a virtual information session: we'll send you an invitation after you score 240 or higher on the CASAS. The date of this session is not yet scheduled.
Please email if you have any questions or for info about MHMMC Portland’s CNA Program.